The e-shop mindmatter.gr belongs to the company BS LIFESTYLE IKE, VAT number 997200205, GEMI number 142162301000, based in Athens, 20 Kolokotroni street, Postal Code 10562.


Protecting the privacy and individual rights of our customers when visiting our website plays a crucial role in facilitating the secure use of our offerings. When you visit mindmatter.gr, personal data is collected, processed, and utilized. With the following information regarding data protection, we aim to emphasize our commitment to managing your data securely and reliably, and to clarify how we use the personal data of our customers. We comply with the provisions of data protection legislation.

Responsible Legal Entity

The responsible legal entity under data protection legislation is the company named "BS LIFESTYLE IKE," VAT number 997200205, GEMI number 142162301000, based in Athens, 20 Kolokotroni street, Postal Code 10562.
For any inquiries or requests, please send an email to [email protected].

What are personal data?

Personal data are pieces of information that can be attributed to you as an individual. These may include, for example, details such as name, address, email address, and phone number.
Additionally, during each visit to our website, further data is automatically collected for technical reasons, such as the IP address, which your internet service provider assigns to your computer to connect to the internet, or information regarding the website from which you accessed our offer, or regarding the internet browser program you are using (technical information). These technical details may, in individual cases, constitute personal data. As a general rule, we use technical information only to the extent necessary for technical reasons, for the operation and protection of our website against attacks and abuse, as well as in pseudonymous or anonymous form for statistical purposes.

How do we use your personal data?

We collect, process, and use your personal data, particularly when you visit mindmatter.gr, when you register with mindmatter.gr, or log into an existing customer account, or when you order products on mindmatter.gr. We use your data only in accordance with applicable legal provisions and this privacy policy, as well as with your consent, as appropriate. In many cases, data is also used only in pseudonymous or anonymous form.

Log Files

During your visit to the pages of mindmatter.gr, the following information, as a rule, will be stored for technical reasons in so-called log files:

  • The IP address (Internet Protocol address) of the accessing computer
  • The website from which you visit us (referrer)
  • The pages of our website that you visit
  • The date and duration of the visit
  • Browser type and browser settings
  • Operating system
  • This data will be stored for a maximum of 30 days as a technical precaution for the protection of data processing systems against unauthorized access.

Use of Cookies

We use so-called cookies on our websites. Cookies are text files that allow us to make your visit to our website as comfortable as possible. This includes, for example, default settings for presenting our website or functions of the shopping cart, as well as the ability for single sign-on, so that you only need to register once on our website, even when you want to use the product offers of our partners. These cookies contain a clear combination of letters/numbers that identifies the browser program you are using. These cookies are stored temporarily on your computer and transmitted only to our server when you visit our website. We primarily use session cookies, which are not stored on your hard drive and are deleted when the browser program is closed or after longer periods of inactivity. Only for the purchase you select and for the "Remember Me" function, a permanent cookie will be stored, which will expire within 30 days from your last visit to mindmatter.gr.

You can view and delete cookies stored on your computer, and control how cookies are generally handled through the settings of your internet browser program. You can get more information on this topic from the manufacturer or via the "Help" function of your internet browser program. Please note that the functions of mindmatter.gr may be restricted or not available if you do not allow cookies.

Usage of Google Analytics

The website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies," which are text files stored on your computer to help the website analyze how users use it. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website will generally be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Your IP address will be truncated by Google within the European Union member states or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to and truncated by Google servers in the United States. On behalf of the website provider, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on website activity for website operators, and provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website provider. Google will not associate your IP address transmitted by your browser with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser. Furthermore, you can prevent Google’s collection and use of data (cookies and IP address) by downloading and installing the browser add-on available at the following link

For information on Google Analytics terms of service and data protection, please visit the following pages:


We use Google Analytics to evaluate data from the DoubleClick cookie for statistical purposes. You can disable the use of this cookie through the Ads Manager by visiting the following link

We also use Google Double-Click tags to support online advertising and analyze your use of our website. These tags are not used to transmit personal data to Google Double-Click. Details of how your data is managed by Google Double-Click, including the use and disabling of relevant cookies, can be found in the Double-Click privacy policy

Additionally, we use Google Remarketing, an advertising service provided by Google, whereby previous visitors to the website may receive targeted advertising. It employs cross-device remarketing with Google AdWords and DoubleClick. If you have consented to Google linking your browsing history and activity with your Google account, Google uses information from your Google account along with Google Analytics data to personalize ads and create targeted audience lists for cross-device remarketing. As a Google user, you can customize your ad settings and opt-out of personalized ads in "My Account". Furthermore, you can prevent data processing by Google by downloading and installing the browser add-on available at the following link

We also utilize the Facebook Advertising platform, an advertising service provided by Facebook, where previous visitors to the website may receive targeted advertising related to the pages they visited on mindmatter.gr on Facebook services such as Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. It employs cross-device remarketing. If you have consented to Facebook processing and storing your data for advertising purposes, Facebook links your browsing history and activity with your Facebook account to personalize ads and create targeted audience lists for cross-device remarketing. As a Facebook user, you can customize your ad settings and disable ad criteria you desire in "Settings" and "Ad Preferences". Additionally, you can prevent data processing by Facebook by specifying which of the data you provide should be used for advertising purposes here

Registration, Login, and Ordering

When you register and are logged in or when you place an order, or when you are logged in and attempt to place an order but do not complete it, we collect, process, and use the personal data and information you provide us within the framework of the applicable data protection legislation. We may use the product and service information when attempting to place an order to contact you at the contact information you provided during registration, thus providing your consent. The information we request from you to make the services you need feasible is marked as mandatory fields on the forms. Other information is optional. For the conclusion and execution of contracts, we request, depending on the case, contact information such as your name, address for delivery and billing, as well as information about the payment method you have chosen. Additionally, we use your data to maintain our customer database, so that only relevant data is stored there. To avoid typing errors and ensure that the items you have ordered have indeed been received by you, we check if the address you have entered is written in a complete and accurate manner.

Disclosure of mindmatter.gr product information and special promotional activities and other updates

We use your data to transmit the information you have ordered or attempted to order from the range of products and for other promotional activities from mindmatter.gr to the email address provided by you. You can disable this email function at any time.

Additionally, we may send you information about our own goods and services to the email address provided by you during a purchase, even without your prior consent on this matter. You can oppose the receipt of these email messages at any time, with no charge except for the transmission costs of the email message according to the usual charges by the service providers.

We want you to enjoy reading our email messages. Therefore, we strive to include only information that may interest you. Accordingly, we measure and store in your user profile opening rates and clicks of email messages, i.e., whether and when you open our email messages, what the content of the email messages is when you click, and whether and why our email messages may not have been delivered. We may also use this data for statistical purposes.

Some informational announcements that are necessary for the execution of the contract and the operation of mindmatter.gr, such as services (e.g., registration confirmation, customer service information), or regarding a package subject to charges (e.g., order confirmation, contract-related documents, payment processing), cannot be disabled. These communications will be sent to the contact information provided by you.


We store and use your data when you communicate with us via telephone, email, or through our contact form, or when you wish to send us information in any other way, thus transmitting your data to us for this purpose.

Additionally, we store and use personal data and technical information to the extent necessary to prevent or prosecute abuse or other illegal behavior on our website, e.g., to maintain data security in case of attacks on our computer systems. Finally, we store and use your data to the extent that we are legally obligated to do so, such as in anticipation of an official directive or a judicial or other decision by the authorities, as well as to ensure our rights and claims, and for legal defense purposes.

To whom we transfer your personal data

When transferring your personal data, we continuously ensure the highest possible level of security. Therefore, your data will only be transferred to service providers and cooperating companies that have been carefully selected and contractually bound in advance. Additionally, your data is only transferred to entities within the European Economic Area and thus subject to strict EU data protection legislation, or to those committed to compliance with equivalent security standards.

Transfer to the company "BS LIFESTYLE IKE"

We transfer your personal data to the company "BS LIFESTYLE IKE" for the completion and execution of contracts related to offers on our website mindmatter.gr, for storage in central databases, as well as for billing and accounting purposes within the company. This is necessary, in particular, so that you can take advantage of all our offers. If you request pickup from our offices, the staff receives information about your order so they can process it. When you contact our store or customer service hotline for questions, complaints, or returns, as well as for other reasons, they also have access to the data of your order in order to process your request.

Transfer to Service Providers

Regarding the operations of mindmatter.gr and for the execution of contracts, various service providers work for us, e.g., for central IT services or hosting of mindmatter.gr, for payment and delivery of products, or for hardware installation, to whom we transmit the necessary information (e.g., name, address) for the fulfillment of their duties.

Some of these companies collaborate with us as external data processing partners, and therefore they use the data provided only according to our instructions. Therefore, we have agreements with these companies referring to the implementation of security measures and monitoring of these measures on a regular basis.

In contrast to external data processing, we transfer data to third parties in relation to the execution of contracts in the following cases:

  • For the delivery of goods to transport companies and postal service providers, as specified when placing the order.
  • For payment of goods to payment service providers determined during the order placement. In the case of credit card payment, this is done through the payment server provider to the bank.
  • During the payment process, we do not record or store payment information such as credit card numbers or other banking or payment details. You provide this information directly to the respective payment service provider exclusively.

Transfer to Third Parties

Finally, we transmit your data within the framework of the existing data protection laws to third parties or to official authorities if we are legally obliged to do so due to an official directive or court order, or we have the right to do so, for example, because it is necessary for the prosecution of criminal offenses or for the protection and enforcement of our rights and claims.

Data Security

The security of your personal data is a high priority for us. Therefore, we protect your data stored with us through technical and organizational measures to effectively prevent loss or misuse by third parties. Specifically, our employees who process personal data are committed to confidentiality.

Your Rights

You have a legal right to be informed about your personal data stored with us, as well as to request correction or deletion. You can request that our customer service send you all the information we have about you and also request deletion, where in written communication, you will receive clear information about your requests. Data that we must store due to legal, regulatory, or contractual obligations for the retention of commercial documents will be locked instead of deleted to prevent their use for other purposes.

Consent, Right to Object

To the extent that we use data for a purpose that, according to legal provisions, requires your consent, we will always ask for your explicit permission and link the consent you grant us with the provisions for data protection. The consent granted once can be revoked at any time, resulting in future and/or you may object to future uses of your data for advertising, market research, and opinion purposes. Please understand that implementing the objection/revocation of your consent may require some time for technical reasons and that you may continue to receive notifications from us in the meantime.

For the purposes of revoking your consent or objection, a simple notification to us is sufficient. For this purpose, you can use the following contact information free of charge, except for your provider's connection fees:

  • By mail: "BS LIFESTYLE IKE" and trading name "BS LIFESTYLE IKE," headquartered in Athens, Kolokotroni 20, 10562.
  • By email: [email protected]. If you receive information from us via email, you can even more easily, by clicking on the link included in the email.

Social Media Plugins

We offer the so-called social plugins of various social networks (e.g., the Facebook "Like" button) on our website. The integration of these plugins is implemented via facebook.com.

If you are a member of a social network and click on the relevant social plugin, the provider of the social network may potentially link information about your visit to our website with your profile data on the network. Therefore, please contact the social network providers you use for information about these features. Inform yourself about the individual browser settings options regarding how you can manage cookies and web beacons. You can obtain this information from your browser manufacturer. In addition, third-party providers offer so-called browser extensions and plugins with which you can configure how your browser manages cookies and personal information.

Linking to Websites of Other Companies

Mindmatter.gr may contain links to websites of other companies. We are not responsible for the data protection measures for the external websites that you may access through these links. Please inform yourself about the protection of your data on these external websites.

Changes to this Privacy Policy Information

We always aim to present attractive product offers to our customers and therefore constantly adjust the range of our products to the desires of our customers. Therefore, it may be necessary to update and modify this data protection information. Therefore, we recommend that you regularly check this page for any changes. To the extent that such changes may affect your consent, we will inform you separately.

If you receive information from us via email, you can even more easily stop receiving it by clicking on the link included in the email and following the instructions.

Evaluation of Your Experience through Zevioo

Our role is not only to deliver products but also to offer you exceptional shopping experiences every time you trust us. For this reason, we consider it our contractual obligation to ensure your absolute satisfaction, which we measure every time you complete a purchase from our store. In order to systematically, objectively, and with absolute respect for your privacy, we cooperate with Braincandy S.A., hereinafter "Braincandy", an independent market research company, through the zevioo service. The information we provide to Braincandy is limited to your first name, the initial letter of your last name, your email, and your postal code for statistical purposes, in combination with your order information. Braincandy, on its part, collects and processes your opinion about your experience from our store using various technologies and processes to safeguard the security of your information and protect it from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access, and any other form of unlawful processing. Braincandy does not process personal data of individuals under the age of 16, so if you are under 16, please inform us or refrain from using the service. The personal data collected by Braincandy is stored for two (2) years for processing. Then, all identifying information is removed to provide information for statistical analysis without connection to you. To keep them available for receiving personalized services, you must renew your consent by making a new purchase from our store during this period. After each evaluation you make, Braincandy analyzes your preferences and compares them with those of our other customers to create personalized product recommendations for you, which it presents to you immediately after completing your evaluation, on the completion website or via email. We promise that Braincandy will not contact you for any reason other than evaluations, unless you express a desire for it. The evaluation of your experience, after processing and removal of any identifying information, may be displayed on our website to assist other consumers. We may also contact you, through the zevioo service, asking for clarifications about your evaluation in order to improve our services and therefore your satisfaction. Braincandy also commits that it will not sell, transfer, or otherwise disclose your personal information without your consent, which will, however, have the option to be given after being informed. You have the right to raise objections to the processing of your data at any time or to withdraw your consent at any time. Additionally, you have the right to request access, correction, or deletion of your personal data, or restriction of processing, as well as the right to object to processing and lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can also request portability or permanent deletion of your personal data. For any exercise of your rights concerning the zevioo service, you can contact us or directly Braincandy at [email protected]. All elements of the zevioo service, including but not limited to text, reviews, and any form of written materials from visitors or customers of collaborating stores, constitute intellectual or industrial property owned by zampple or third parties to whom it has granted the right to use or exploit. By using the service, you grant Braincandy the exclusive use and exploitation of your evaluations, as well as any other element of any kind contained therein. Reproduction, republication, storage, sale, transmission, distribution, sending, publication, execution, download, translation, and modification in any way, in whole or in part, as well as any infringement of the industrial and intellectual property rights of Braincandy, is expressly prohibited without its explicit prior consent.